Harmony Day Support is committed to providing a safe and healthy place for the individuals we serve, as well as for our employees, guests, and visitors. To ensure we have a safe workplace, Harmony Day Support has developed the following COVID-19 Preparedness Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Harmony Day Support is committed to providing a safe and healthy place for the individuals we serve, as well as for our employees, guests, and visitors. To ensure we have a safe workplace, Harmony Day Support has developed the following COVID-19 Preparedness Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Harmony’s Administrative team and employees are responsible for implementing this plan. Our goal is to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 within our workplace and communities. Through the full cooperation of staff, individuals, and providers we can establish and maintain the safety and health of all persons within our organization.

The COVID-19 Preparedness Plan is administered by Harmony’s Executive Director and Administrator Services. However, employees, individuals, and individual providers are equally responsible for supporting, implementing, and providing recommendations to improve on the COVID-19 plan. Harmony Day Support is serious about the health and safety of everyone associated within our organization and we have encouraged all involved to be part of our preparedness plan.

Harmony Day Support’s COVID-19 Preparedness Plan follows guidance developed by the State of Virginia, the Center for Disease Control, and the Virginia Department of Health. Harmony Day Support has carefully reviewed and put into practice the proper guidance for our organization provided by the State of Virginia. Additional protocols we have put into place include protocols for social distancing, face to face interactions, guests and visitors, and managing transportation and building occupancy.

Ensure Sick Workers Stay Home:

Workers have been informed and encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Harmony Day Support has instituted the following policies and procedures to assess workers’ health prior to entering the workplace and for workers to report when they are sick or experiencing symptoms. Active screening for, and documentation of body temperature and respiratory symptoms are used to identify and exclude staff that are symptomatic. Workers have their temperature taken and are asked relevant health questions prior to starting and again before leaving the workplace. Staff with measure or subjective fever or symptoms comparable to COVID-19 (E.G: Cough, shortness of breath, chills, headache, loss of smell or taste, etc.) will not be allowed in the facility and should be tested.

Harmony Day Support has implemented leave policies that encourage workers to stay home when they are sick, or if household members are sick, or when required by a health care provider to isolate or quarantine. Following our Sick Leave Act as well as the Family Medical Leave Act has also been addressed with employees. All workers who have underlying medical conditions or who have household members with underlying medical conditions were advised and all made choices that were pertinent to their situation. We has also implemented a policy for informing workers if they have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 and their responsibility to get tested and remain quarantined for the required time. Additionally, we have implemented a policy to protect the privacy of the workers’ health status and health information. All workers can return to work when they have met the necessary established criteria. Workers are asked not to return to work without a negative test. Upon the confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 or any other communicable disease, or exposure the provider and or employer must immediately notify our agency via electronic means. All workers or individuals can safety return after testing negative or with a doctor’s statement saying they have quarantined for fourteen days post symptoms.

Social Distancing:

Social distancing is taught and encouraged to be at least 6 feet away and will be maintained by workers and individuals throughout the day. Gatherings in the facility are monitored and redesigned as necessary to reduce close contact. Restrictions have been put into place and new classrooms constructed to minimize staff and individual ratios. The same staff is assigned to a group of individuals daily to minimize interactions.

Signage, markings, and instructions are being used to encourage and teach those with disabilities the importance of social distancing. Employees are encouraged to assist individuals with all ADL’s and assistance as they need with as much social distancing as they can. When social distancing cannot be properly maintained, masks, shields, and other partitions are used as needed. All communication as it relates to questions and concerns about social distancing should be relayed to the Executive Director. Harmony Day Support has ample supplies of masks, gloves, and disinfectant. Instructions have also been provided for proper use and wear of protective equipment.

Individual and Worker Hygiene:

Basic infection prevention and hygiene measures have been implemented within the workplace and on all transport vehicles. Employees are instructed to continuously practice proper hygiene throughout the day to include frequent hand washing with soap especially before and after assisting individuals. Hand sanitizer with greater than 60% alcohol is in every classroom and throughout the building including entrances, bathrooms, and in all high traffic areas. Workers, guests, and individuals are being instructed to cover their mouth and nose with their sleeve or use a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Also to avoid touching their face particularly their mouth, nose, eyes, with their hands. Respiratory etiquette is displayed on laminated cards throughout the building and in all classrooms. Individuals who refuse to wear PPE shall be offered alternatives. If those are refused or present serious risk to the individual due to behavioral or health concerns, the individual shall be relocated to a classroom where they can be trained on wearing PPE.

Workplace Building and Ventilation:

Harmony Day Support has included in its preparedness plan steps to ensure the building is properly sanitized and ventilated. Assessment and maintenance of building systems, including water, plumbing, electrical, heating ventilation, and HVAC/air systems are monitored monthly by our building maintenance team. Air vents are cleaned every weekend and the maximum amount of fresh air is being circulated throughout all areas of the facility. All ventilation systems are being properly maintained.

Workplace Cleaning and Disinfection:

Harmony Day Support has implemented a rigorous cleaning and disinfectant protocol to include scheduled daily cleanings by our staff at the end of each day. These routine cleanings include disinfecting all work surfaces, transport vehicles, restrooms, kitchen areas, high traffic areas, chairs, tables, door handles, phones, medical rooms, and the rest of the building. We have contracted CINTAS to provide touch-less towel dispensers all throughout the building as well as hand soap and sanitizer dispensers. CINTAS comes by weekly to refill items used. Harmony has also had CINTAS supply the facility with CDC approved disinfectant and cleaning products that are used throughout the day. A licensed professional cleaning company has also been hired to do a thorough cleaning on a bi-weekly schedule to ensure the building is effectively deep cleaned.

Communication and Training Practices:

Harmony Day Support’s COVID-19 Preparedness Plan has been communicated to all workers and is available daily for review. Harmony Day Support will communicate with participants, caregivers, and staff about the risk of COVID-19 and how we are addressing these risks to keep everyone safe. Every morning, we conduct a staff meeting and review reminders of the importance of following the plan. Instructions have been communicated to all workers, full time and part time, as well as outside contractors to include our protocols on social distancing, hygiene, face coverings, and other information that is pertinent to the safety and health of those we serve.

All workers, individuals, guests, and visitors, will also be advised not to enter the facility if they are experiencing symptoms or have contracted COVID-19. Carrying out all aspects of this plan will be the responsibility of employees, management, individuals, provider homes, and case managers. Updates to the protections and protocols as well as workplace trainings are the responsibility of the Executive Director. This COVID-19 Preparedness Plan is posted and available throughout the organization and made readily available to employees, individuals, guests, and providers.

Additional Protections and Protocols:

Other Information and circumstances addressed within our plan that are important to our organization include:

Center for Disease Control and Prevention:

Virginia Department of Health:

Federal OSHA:

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services: